“Whatever your dreams for tomorrow are.
They rely on a body, mind and spirit that has been nurtured today.”
We love to spend time planning our dreams, our goals, our bucket list. It’s something we’re encouraged to do and it gives us a wonderful sense of direction, purpose and something to look forward to and aim for.
But when we are breaking down the small steps and creating a map to achieve those goals, we often forget that time allocated each day to maintain our health should be part of the plan. Because whatever your dreams are, without energy, motivation, fitness and health we will struggle to make them happen.
We teach people the skills to nurture themselves
For monthly inspiration, lifestyle ideas, early bird discounts and bundles and to join our community,
sign up below for our WellZine,
‘A Good Life’.
E-Books & Downloads
Explore our range of downloadable Information guides, wellbeing tracker charts, meal plans, recipes and more.
Let’s gather.
Please join me in person for some human contact and lighthearted conversation about caring for ourselves, our families and our planet.
• Conversations in Wellbeing. Our monthly workshop series.
• Repose NY Pop-up events. Gather with friends, sample other curated wellbeing brands, sip a glass of clean wines and browse the aromatherapy products from Repose New York to create your own @home daily rituals.
• Step into your wellbeing. Our 2 level Self-care mastery course. Each level is 3 weekly sessions with the option for added on 1:1 coaching held individually or as a small group.
Online Courses
Coming Soon
We are busy transferring our group coaching courses to a more accessible and affordable online platform, to make it even easier for you make the changes you know you should. In the meantime you can get started on your wellbeing journey by joining our our newsletter A Good Life below or browsing our WellBlog.